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Know The Risks of Eating Red Meat on Your Health

Nutritionists and health professionals have been analysing the advantages and risks of consuming red meat for years to discover whether it is beneficial for health or not. Results have been variable so far. Red meat, according to researchers, supplies essential elements like protein, iron, and vitamin B-12.


However, research indicates that consuming large amounts of red meat may increase one's risk of developing certain heart diseases, cancers, and other illnesses. This article discusses the amount of red meat that may be healthy and what the research and official dietary recommendations have to say.


What Health Effects Can Red Meat Have?


Experts classify muscle meat from lamb, beef, goat, pork, and other land mammals as red meat. On the one hand, iron and vitamin B-12, in particular, are good sources of nutrition in red meat. These nutrients are necessary for the body to produce fresh red blood cells.


Red meat has a lot of protein, vital for creating enzymes, muscles, bones, other tissues, and other body parts. However, other studies have linked the regular eating of red meat to various health difficulties, including certain cancers, kidney troubles, digestive problems, and heart disease.


Some studies contend that the most crucial factor is the sort of red meat a person consumes, further exacerbating the problem. Unprocessed red meat cuts that are leaner, like pork tenderloin or sirloin steaks, may be healthier than others.


They don't have a lot of extra salt, oil, or preservatives because they aren't processed, and they're also unprocessed. The foods that are most likely to cause health issues are processed red meats, such as bacon, sausage, hot dogs, salami, bologna, and other similar meats.


The Risks of Excessive Red Meat Consumption


Let's look at the reasons why is red meat bad for you:


Red Meat Causes Mutations and Changes In DNA


According to studies, red meat causes DNA damage and increases the risk of colorectal cancer. In the colon, it results in alkylating damage that alters the genes, altering them in a way that makes them more likely to produce cancer.


Causes Heart Problems


Red meat consumption can potentially cause cardiac problems, such as deadly heart attacks and coronary heart disorders. The gut microbiome can be harmed by red meat, which causes metabolites to rise. Doctors have advised people to eat more fatty fish, such as sardines, mackerel, and trout, to improve cardiac function.


Grilled Meat Raises the Chance of Having a Stroke


The high-heat grilling of red meat results in the formation of substances called glycation end products, which might impair the body's regular cell activities. The increase helps to cause vascular and myocardial stiffness and arterial inflammation.


Raises the Risk of Cancer


Numerous studies have revealed that routinely consuming red meat raises the chance of developing red meat cancer or dying. Prostate, stomach, and kidney cancer are among the many types of cancers that are thought to be caused by red meat in humans.


Odds Of Macular Degeneration Rising


According to health professionals, people who regularly eat red meat are more likely to acquire eye ailment macular degeneration. It is irreversible and affects a person's capacity to drive and carry out daily tasks. Grave retina damage can eventually cause someone to lose their vision.


When Is Too Much Red Meat?


The World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) recommend that adults consume no more than three servings (or 350–500 grams) of red meat per week. Additionally, if you consume processed meat, they advise consuming even less. According to AICR, meat is an excellent source of nutrients.


However, grains and legumes both provide sufficient amounts of protein for people. There is no recommended daily consumption of meat recommended by the American Heart Association (AHA). However, the AHA advises that consumers limit their meat consumption and only do so occasionally.


Also advised are lean meats and servings of no more than 150 grams at a time. The best course of action is to limit your consumption of red meat to once per week or once every two weeks if you genuinely want it. If you prefer non-vegetarian food, it would be fantastic to replace chicken and fish instead.


Red Meat: Overconsumption Warning Signs

  • Gaining Weight


One-third or more of a slice of red meat is made up of fat. Pure fat makes up around 1/5 of the slice's total weight. The extra fat is stored in fat reserves by your body since the body cannot use it. It consequently leads to weight gain.

  • Body Odour


Even though it may seem unusual, several studies have found that eating red meat might make you smell worse. According to a study, certain proteins and compounds in red meat interact negatively with naturally occurring chemicals and have a substantial impact on how they affect body odor.

  • Inflammation


The body's reaction to stressors and other external things is known as inflammation. Depression and sleeplessness are frequent results. Higher inflammation frequently indicates a deficiency in antioxidants in the body. According to studies, people who eat red meat instead of other options like whole-grain meals have much-increased chances of inflammation.


The Bottom Line


Numerous studies show that it poses red meat health risks while having a high protein and iron content. Although red meat may provide health hazards, it is incorrect to relate one food or food type to health problems. Genes, age, gender, the environment, and other factors all play a role in health difficulties.

Dr. Gaganjot Kaur
Internal Medicine
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